Whispering Oaks Professional AKC Certified Trainers
We are certified, dog training specialists, training for Comprehensive Pet Therapy, and the American Kennel Club, AKC Star Puppy, Good Citizen and Good Community Programs. We train in the areas of house hold manners, Basic Obedience, Intermediate Training, Advance, off leash training, Electric Collar training and Therapy Training as well as weight reduction programs. 20 years experience allows the abilities of a dog behaviorist. Contact us today to schedule an evaluation or to schedule an appointment to have us train your dog.

Train My Dog – Praise Motivated, Individually Tailored
Train the Trainer
- At the end of each training program we will spend 3 hours showing, teaching, training and practicing with you and your dog until you are both comfortable with each other. You will learn how to lead your dog as, “The Leader of His Pack”.
Training Programs
- Tailored to you and your dog, training, days, and cost
- We have successfully trained over 4800 dogs in our home
- AKC Certified specialists with over 20 yrs. experience Mike is an AKC Certified Evaluator Registered with AKC AKC EVALUATOR #32666
AKC Canine Good Citizen / Community Training and Star Puppy
Puppy Regression Training
- We specialize in puppies and dogs that are chronically using the house as their place to urinate and defecate. WE WILL HELP YOU ENJOY YOUR DOG AGAIN! We address many areas of behavior. WE WILL DEVELOP A SPECIFIC TRAINING PROGRAM FOR YOUR DOG AND YOUR FAMILY.
- Many areas of training are challenging, but together we will have the victory!